how to make a wooden circle frame

DIY Guide: How to Make a Wooden Circle Frame

Welcome, crafters and décor enthusiasts! Are you looking to add a unique touch to your home? Look no further than our step-by-step DIY guide on how to make a wooden circle frame. Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or just starting out, this project is perfect for unleashing your creativity and sprucing up your space.

Making a wooden circle frame is not only a satisfying DIY endeavor but also a cost-effective way to showcase your favorite artwork or family photos. With a few essential tools and materials, you can create a beautiful and personalized frame that will impress your guests and elevate your home décor.

Key Takeaways:

  • Follow our step-by-step DIY guide to create a unique wooden circle frame.
  • Make sure you have the necessary supplies, including a router, biscuits, and clamps.
  • Prepare the wooden frame by selecting the right lumber and gluing the pieces together.
  • Shape the frame using a router and strengthen the seams with biscuits.
  • Finish the frame with sanding and add your desired stain or paint for a personalized touch.

Supplies Needed for Making a Wooden Circle Frame

To make a wooden circle frame, you will need the following supplies:

  • Up Cut Spiral Bit (highly recommended)
  • Straight Bit
  • Biscuits
  • Biscuit Joiner
  • Router

wooden circle frame supplies

Preparing the Wooden Frame for Your Circle Frame

Before you can start assembling your wooden circle frame, it’s essential to prepare the wooden frame pieces. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Select the Right Piece of Lumber

Begin by choosing a suitable piece of lumber for your frame. Look for a high-quality wood that is sturdy and free from any defects or imperfections. This will ensure the durability and aesthetics of your finished frame.

Cut the Lumber into Same-Length Pieces

Using a miter saw, carefully cut the lumber into pieces of the same length. This will create uniformity in your circle frame and ensure a seamless fit when assembling the pieces together.

Apply Wood Glue to the Seams

Apply a generous amount of wood glue to both sides of each seam. Wood glue is essential for creating strong and durable joints in your frame. Make sure to spread the glue evenly to ensure a solid bond between the wood pieces.

Arrange the Wood for a Sweeping Circular Motion

Arrange the wood pieces to create a sweeping circular motion for the seams. This design element adds visual interest and enhances the aesthetics of your wooden circle frame. Take your time to arrange the pieces in a way that creates a pleasing and balanced composition.

Clamp the Pieces Together and Let Them Dry

Once you’ve arranged the wood pieces, use clamps to hold them firmly in place. Clamping the pieces together will ensure that they maintain their shape while the glue dries. Allow the glue to fully cure as per the manufacturer’s instructions before proceeding to the next steps of building your circle frame.

Now that you’ve prepared your wooden frame, it’s time to move on to shaping the frame using a router. Read on to the next section for a detailed guide on using a router to shape your wooden circle frame.

wooden frame

Using a Router to Shape the Wooden Frame

When it comes to shaping the wooden frame for your project, a router is an essential tool. It allows you to create precise cuts and intricate designs, giving your wooden circle frame a professional finish.

Before you start using the router, make sure to secure the frame to prevent any movement. This will help ensure accurate and consistent cuts throughout the process. You can use clamps or a workbench to hold the frame securely in place.

Next, attach a center piece for the circle jig. The circle jig acts as a guide for the router, allowing you to create the desired shape with ease. This tool is especially useful for cutting the inner circle, rabbet, and the outer circle of your wooden frame.

To achieve clean and precise cuts, it’s important to take multiple shallow passes with the router. This technique reduces the risk of tear-out and allows for greater control over the cutting process. Take your time and ensure that each cut is made accurately.

router shaping wooden frame

By using a router with a circle jig, you can easily shape the wooden frame for your project and create the desired design elements. Whether you’re adding decorative details or simply cutting out the necessary openings, the router is a versatile tool that enhances the overall look and quality of your wooden circle frame.

Strengthening the Wooden Seams with Biscuits

To reinforce and strengthen the wood seams of your wooden circle frame, you can use a biscuit jointer. This simple tool allows you to insert #10 biscuits at each seam, providing additional strength and stability to your frame. Not only does this technique strengthen the frame, but it also adds a decorative element to enhance the overall aesthetic.

Using a biscuit jointer is a straightforward process. First, mark the locations where you want to insert the biscuits along the seams of the frame. Then, align the biscuit jointer with the marks and make the necessary cuts to create the slots for the biscuits. When the slots are ready, apply wood glue to both the biscuits and the seams, ensuring even coverage.

Gently insert the biscuits into the slots, making sure they fit snugly. The biscuits will expand as they absorb the moisture from the glue, creating a strong bond between the wood pieces. Once the glue has dried, which typically takes a few hours, you can carefully trim the excess portion of the biscuits using a saw or a trim router.

This method of using biscuits not only reinforces the wooden seams but also helps to align the pieces during assembly, ensuring a more precise fit. It is an effective way to strengthen your wooden circle frame and prevent any potential issues with weak or loose seams.

To see an illustration of this process, take a look at the image below:

strengthening the wooden seams with biscuits

Sanding and Finishing the Wooden Circle Frame

Once you have shaped and assembled your wooden circle frame, it’s time to give it a smooth finish. Sanding the frame not only enhances its visual appeal but also ensures a flawless surface for the final coating.

To begin, use a disk sander to sand the outside of the frame. This will help remove any rough edges or imperfections. Make sure to sand in the direction of the wood grain for the best results.

orbital sander

Next, to achieve a silky smooth finish, switch to an orbital sander with a 120-grit pad. An orbital sander’s random orbit motion helps prevent swirl marks and provides a consistent finish. If you don’t have an orbital sander, a palm sander can be a suitable alternative.

Move the sander in a back-and-forth motion, covering the entire surface of the frame. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as it can damage the wood. Keep sanding until the frame feels smooth to the touch.

Remember, the sanding process is optional and mainly depends on the tools you have and the desired level of smoothness. If you prefer a more rustic look, you can skip this step and proceed directly to finishing.

Once you’re satisfied with the sanding, wipe off any dust or debris using a clean cloth. Your wooden circle frame is now ready for the final touch – applying a suitable finish or stain that complements your decor.

Calculating Segment and Cut Angles for a Wooden Circle Frame

If you are making a large circular frame, it is important to calculate the segment and cut angles accurately. This will ensure that your wooden circle frame fits together seamlessly and looks professional. By determining the number of segments and their angles, you can achieve a smoother grain flow and a more precise final product.

For a specific diameter, it is recommended to use eight segments. This number allows for easier cutting of the necessary 22.5° miter angles. The 22.5° angles create a perfect octagon shape when the segments are assembled.

More segments can be used for larger frames to achieve an even smoother look. However, keep in mind that the more segments you have, the more complex the calculations and cuts become.

To calculate the segment angles, divide the circle into equal parts depending on the number of segments you want. For example, with eight segments, divide the circle into eight equal sections. Each segment will have an angle of 45°.

When it comes to the cut angles, you will need to determine the miter angle for each segment. With eight segments, the miter angle for each cut will be 22.5°. This angle is achieved by cutting the joint at half the segment angle.

To ensure accuracy and precision, use a miter saw or a miter gauge with a table saw to cut the segments at the calculated angles. Double-check your measurements before making any cuts to avoid errors and wastage of materials.

wooden circle frame image

By calculating the segment and cut angles properly, you can create a wooden circle frame that fits together perfectly and showcases your craftsmanship. Take your time with the calculations and use precise cutting tools to achieve the desired results. Up next, we’ll explore how to create a paper pattern for your wooden circle frame, which will serve as a guide for cutting and assembling the frame.

Creating a Paper Pattern for a Wooden Circle Frame

To ensure accuracy and ease in cutting and assembling your wooden circle frame, it’s essential to create a paper pattern. This pattern will serve as a guide throughout the construction process. Follow these steps to create your paper pattern:

  1. Start by drawing two concentric circles on a piece of paper, using a compass or any round object with the desired radii.
  2. Divide the circles into eight equal sections. You can use a compass, ruler, or framing square to mark the divisions accurately.

With your paper pattern ready, you can proceed to cut and shape your wooden frame, using the marked sections as a guide. This paper pattern will ensure precision in creating a perfectly proportioned wooden circle frame.

paper pattern for wooden circle frame

Fine-tuning the Cutting and Assembly Technique for a Wooden Circle Frame

Mastering the cutting and assembly technique is crucial to create a flawless wooden circle frame. Before working with your actual lumber, it’s recommended to practice on a ¾” plywood strip to ensure accuracy and minimize mistakes.

Start by fine-tuning your miter gauge setting. This will determine the angle at which the wooden pieces will be joined together, ensuring a seamless circle frame. Take your time to adjust the gauge until you achieve the desired angle.

To enhance the stability and alignment during assembly, use biscuits as alignment aids. These small, wooden, oval-shaped pieces will not only help hold the frame together but also add strength and structural integrity to the circle frame.

When assembling the wooden pieces, tape can be an invaluable tool. It will securely hold the pieces in place without causing damage to the wood, allowing you to focus on achieving precise joints.

With these techniques and attention to detail, you’ll be well on your way to creating a stunning wooden circle frame.

cutting technique

Practice your cutting and assembly technique on a ¾” plywood strip, fine-tune your miter gauge setting, use biscuits for alignment, and securely hold the pieces together with tape.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Round Wood Mirror

Building a round wood mirror follows a similar process to making a wooden circle frame. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can create a stunning round wood mirror for your home.

Determine the Size and Cut the Wood Pieces

Start by determining the desired size for your round wood mirror. Measure and mark the wood pieces according to your chosen dimensions. Use a miter saw or a circular saw to accurately cut the wood pieces to size.

Create the Frame with a Circle Jig and Router

Next, use a circle jig and router to shape the wooden frame for your mirror. Attach the circle jig to your router and carefully position it on the wood. Move the router along the jig to create a perfectly round shape for your mirror. Make sure to create a rabbet along the inner edge of the frame to hold the mirror securely.

round wood mirror

Finish the Frame with Sanding and Staining

After shaping the frame, it’s time to sand and stain the wood. Start by sanding the frame using sandpaper or an orbital sander. Begin with a coarse grit sandpaper for rough sanding, and gradually switch to finer grits for a smooth finish. Once the frame is sanded to your satisfaction, apply a wood stain of your choice to enhance its natural beauty. Allow the stain to dry completely before moving on to the final steps.

round wood mirror

By following these simple steps, you can create a beautiful round wood mirror that will enhance the aesthetic appeal of any room in your home.

Finalizing a Round Wood Mirror DIY Project

After sanding and staining the round wood mirror frame, it’s time to add the finishing touches to complete your project. Follow these final steps to bring your round wood mirror to perfection:

  1. Attach the mirror to the back: Using mirror clips, secure the mirror onto the frame. Make sure to align the mirror properly and adjust the clips for a secure fit. This will ensure that your mirror stays in place for years to come.
  2. Create shallow holes for the clips: To make the mirror sit flush with the frame, notch out shallow holes on the backside of the frame where the mirror clips will be placed. This will ensure a seamless look from the front.
  3. Hang the mirror: Your round wood mirror likely comes with pre-attached hanging hardware. Use a level to ensure proper alignment, then hang the mirror on the wall. Step back and admire your beautifully crafted creation!

Congratulations! You’ve completed the final steps of your round wood mirror DIY project. With the finishing touches in place, your mirror is ready to enhance the style and decor of any room in your home.


Congratulations on completing your wooden circle frame or round wood mirror! By following this DIY guide, you have learned how to create beautiful and unique pieces for your home. Both the wooden circle frame and round wood mirror projects are a great way to add a stylish touch to your décor.

The wooden circle frame serves as a versatile and eye-catching wall decoration. You can showcase your favorite prints, artwork, or photographs with this frame, creating a focal point in any room. Its smooth and sweeping circular design is sure to draw attention and make a statement.

On the other hand, the round wood mirror adds both functionality and aesthetic appeal to your space. The mirror serves as a practical addition while the wooden frame adds warmth and character. Displaying a round wood mirror in your entryway, bedroom, or bathroom will elevate the overall look and provide a touch of sophistication.

Whether you choose to make a wooden circle frame or a round wood mirror, these projects allow you to express your creativity and showcase your woodworking skills. Enjoy your handmade creations and take pride in the unique pieces you have crafted for your home!


What supplies do I need to make a wooden circle frame?

To make a wooden circle frame, you will need an Up Cut Spiral Bit, a Straight Bit, Biscuits, a Biscuit Joiner, and a Router.

How do I prepare the wooden frame for my circle frame?

Start by selecting a suitable piece of lumber and cutting it into pieces of the same length. Apply wood glue to the seams, arrange the wood to create a circular motion, clamp the pieces together, and let them dry.

How do I use a router to shape the wooden frame?

Secure the wooden frame and attach a center piece for the circle jig. Use the router to make cuts for the inner circle, rabbet, and outer circle. Take multiple passes for a clean cut.

How do I strengthen the wooden seams with biscuits?

Use a biscuit jointer to insert #10 biscuits at each seam. This adds strength and decoration to the frame. Trim the biscuits once they are dried.

How do I sand and finish the wooden circle frame?

Use a disk sander to sand the outside of the frame. Then, use a 120-grit pad on an orbital sander for a smooth finish. You can also use a palm sander if available.

How do I calculate segment and cut angles for a wooden circle frame?

For a specific diameter, it is recommended to use eight segments and 22.5° miter angles. More segments result in smoother grain flow.

How do I create a paper pattern for a wooden circle frame?

Draw two concentric circles with the desired radii and divide them into eight equal sections. This pattern will serve as a guide for cutting and assembling the wooden frame.

How do I fine-tune the cutting and assembly technique for a wooden circle frame?

Practice your technique on a plywood strip before working with your actual lumber. Fine-tune your miter gauge setting and use biscuits for alignment during assembly. Tape can be used to hold the pieces together securely.

How do I build a round wood mirror?

Determine the size of the mirror, cut the wood pieces accordingly, shape the frame using a circle jig and router, create a rabbet for the mirror, and finish the frame with sanding and staining.

How do I finalize a round wood mirror DIY project?

After sanding and staining the round wood mirror frame, attach the mirror to the back using mirror clips. Notch out shallow holes for the clips to sit flush with the frame. Hang the mirror on the wall using the pre-attached hanging hardware.

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