when remodeling a kitchen what comes first floors or cabinets

Kitchen Remodel: Floors or Cabinets First?

Deciding on the sequence for a kitchen remodel is a common dilemma faced by homeowners. One of the key decisions is whether to install floors or cabinets first. To help you make an informed choice, we’ve consulted expert Chip Wade, who has provided valuable insights and expert tips on this matter.

When remodeling a kitchen, it’s essential to consider factors such as the type of flooring, longevity, and sub-surfaces. Based on his experience, Chip Wade advises installing floors first in 90% of cases. This approach offers a cleaner start and greater flexibility for future remodeling projects.

By diving deeper into the importance of order in a kitchen remodel, we’ll explore the advantages of laying the flooring before installing cabinets. We’ll also discuss factors to consider when determining the sequence, exceptions to the rule, protecting floors during the remodel, and leveling cabinets and countertops.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choosing the right sequence is crucial for a smooth kitchen remodel.
  • Experts recommend installing floors before cabinets in most cases.
  • Factors such as flooring type, thickness, and potential damage should be considered when deciding the sequence.
  • Floating floors can be an exception to the rule, requiring a different installation approach.
  • Protecting floors during the remodel and ensuring level surfaces are essential for a successful project.

The Importance of Order in a Kitchen Remodel

When remodeling a kitchen, it’s crucial to follow a specific order for a smoother process. Most experts agree that laying the flooring before installing cabinets is the best approach. This ensures that the height of the cabinets and appliances will align properly with the new floors.

kitchen remodel

Following this step-by-step order—flooring, cabinets, countertops, appliances, sink, hardware, and final touches—ensures a well-executed and efficient remodel. By starting with the flooring, you establish a solid foundation for the rest of the project, allowing for easier installation and a more cohesive design.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Sequence

When deciding whether to install floors or cabinets first in your kitchen remodel, there are several factors that you should take into consideration. The type of flooring you choose can greatly influence the sequence of installation, particularly if you opt for floating floors. Floating floors, such as laminate or engineered wood, require flexibility and movement, and installing them before the cabinets allows for easier positioning and adjustment.

Another factor to consider is the thickness of the flooring. Thicker floors, such as stone or hardwood, can impact the installation of appliances, especially if the floors are installed after the cabinets are in place. It’s important to ensure that the appliances will fit properly and have adequate space.

Additionally, potential damage to the floors during the construction process should be taken into account. Installing cabinets before the floors can increase the risk of accidental scratches or stains on the new flooring. By installing the floors first, you can protect them from potential damage and ensure a fresh and clean surface for the cabinets.

floating floors

Considering these factors will help you make an informed decision on the sequence of installation for your kitchen remodel. Whether you choose to install floors or cabinets first, it’s important to prioritize functionality, aesthetics, and the long-term durability of your kitchen.

The Benefits of Flooring First

When it comes to remodeling a kitchen, one important decision to make is whether to install the flooring or cabinets first. While there are various factors to consider, opting for flooring first offers several benefits that can contribute to a successful and efficient remodel.

By choosing to install flooring before cabinets, you gain greater flexibility in updating your kitchen’s footprint in the future. Running the flooring under the cabinets and appliances allows you to easily make changes to the layout without the need for extensive modifications or patchwork. Whether you decide to reposition cabinets, add new ones, or expand the kitchen, having the flooring in place beforehand grants you the freedom to adjust the space according to your needs.

Additionally, installing flooring first can help streamline the remodeling process, saving you time and effort. When cabinets are added on top of the flooring, you won’t have to spend extra time cutting and fitting the flooring around them. This eliminates the need for intricate measurements and precision cutting, making the installation process quicker and more efficient.

Moreover, opting for flooring first minimizes the risk of potential damage to the floors during and after cabinet installation. When cabinets are installed before the flooring, there is a higher chance of accidental scratches, stains, or other damage occurring to the newly installed floors. By prioritizing flooring, you can ensure their protection and maintain their pristine condition throughout the entire remodeling process.

In conclusion, choosing to install the flooring first before cabinets offers flexibility in updating your kitchen’s layout, contributes to a more efficient remodeling process, and helps protect the integrity of the floors. These advantages make flooring first a logical and practical choice for a successful kitchen remodel.

flooring first

Exceptions to the Rule

While it is generally recommended to install flooring before cabinets in a kitchen remodel, there is one exception: floating floors. Floating floors, such as laminate, require the ability to expand and contract with changes in humidity. If trapped under cabinets, they may not have the necessary flexibility. In such cases, it may be better to install cabinets first and leave a small gap for the floating floor to move.

In these instances, the flexibility of the floating floor takes precedence over the sequential order of installation. By installing the cabinets first and providing a slight gap, you allow the floating floor to accommodate its natural expansion and contraction without causing any damage or constraint.

floating floors

This image illustrates a beautiful example of floating floors, showcasing their flexible nature. The alt attribute of the image highlights the keyword “floating floors” for improved search engine optimization.

Protecting Floors During the Remodel

To ensure the longevity and beauty of your floors during a kitchen remodel, it is crucial to take necessary precautions. With construction and various activities taking place, protecting your floors from scratches, stains, and damage should be a top priority. Here are some expert tips to help you protect your floors throughout the remodeling process:

1. Work from Top to Bottom

When planning your kitchen remodel, it’s wise to start with tasks that involve overhead work, such as painting the ceiling or installing light fixtures. By tackling these projects first, you minimize the risk of debris or accidental damage to your newly installed floors. This approach ensures that you can complete these tasks without compromising the integrity of your flooring.

2. Save Finishes Until the End

Finishes such as painting, wallpapering, or adding decorative elements should be saved for the final stages of the remodel. By completing these tasks after major construction work is finished, you eliminate the need to redo them if any mishaps occur during the remodel. This saves you time and effort while protecting your floors from accidental spills or splatters.

protect floors

3. Use Protective Covering

While working on your kitchen remodel, covering your floors with a protective material can provide an extra layer of defense against scratches, stains, and accidental damage. Consider using heavy-duty cardboard or floor protection rolls specifically designed to safeguard your floors during construction. This simple step can go a long way in preserving the quality of your flooring throughout the remodeling process.

By following these precautions, you can protect and maintain the integrity of your floors during a kitchen remodel. Taking the time to safeguard your floors not only saves you from expensive repairs or replacements but also ensures that the final result of your remodel is as beautiful and polished as you envisioned.

Leveling Cabinets and Countertops

Whether you choose to install the floors or cabinets first, ensuring that the cabinets and countertops are level is essential for a successful kitchen remodel. Even if the subfloor is not perfectly level, there are methods to achieve a flat surface for your cabinets and countertops.

The first step is to assess the subfloor. If it is uneven, you may need to make adjustments using shims. Shims are small, tapered wedges that can be placed underneath the cabinets to level them. By strategically placing shims where needed, you can create a stable base for your cabinets.

Countertops should also be level, regardless of the cabinet alignment. Uneven countertops can cause issues with the installation of appliances and create an unbalanced appearance. To level the countertops, shims can be used in the same way as for the cabinets, ensuring a flat surface for your workspace.

By taking the time to level cabinets and countertops, you ensure the integrity of the overall installation and create a professional, polished look for your kitchen remodel.

level cabinets


  • Assess the subfloor for unevenness.
  • Use shims to level cabinets and countertops.
  • Ensure a flat surface for a professional finish.

About Chip Wade

Chip Wade is an expert in the home improvement industry, known for his master craftsmanship and appearances on popular home improvement television shows. With his vast experience and expertise, Chip has established himself as a trusted source for advice on various aspects of home remodeling. As the owner of Wade Works Creative, he offers a wide range of services, including video production, residential and commercial design, architecture, and the creation of unique and inspiring spaces.

Chip’s passion for home improvement and design shines through in his work, as he strives to create functional and visually stunning environments for his clients. Through his television appearances and projects, he has inspired countless homeowners to pursue their own remodeling dreams. Chip’s creative approach and attention to detail make him a sought-after expert in the industry.

Whether it’s renovating a kitchen, redesigning a bathroom, or transforming an entire home, Chip’s knowledge and expertise are invaluable resources. He understands the challenges that homeowners face during the remodeling process and offers practical solutions and expert tips to help them achieve their desired results.

Chip Wade - Home Improvement Expert

Planning Your Kitchen Remodel on a Budget

Kitchen remodels are exciting but can also be expensive endeavors. However, with some smart strategies, you can save money without compromising on quality or design. One effective way to cut costs is by considering ready-to-assemble (RTA) cabinets.

RTA cabinets

RTA cabinets are high-quality cabinets that come in various styles, colors, and materials. While they may require assembly, they offer the same level of functionality and durability as pre-assembled cabinets. By shopping for RTA cabinets online, you can find great deals and discounts that fit within your budget.

Domain Cabinets is a trusted online shop that offers a wide range of RTA cabinets at affordable prices. They provide custom options, allowing you to design cabinets that suit your specific needs and style preferences. With their extensive selection and cost-effective solutions, you can achieve a beautiful and functional kitchen without breaking the bank.

When planning your kitchen remodel on a budget, consider the cost-cutting benefits of RTA cabinets. They offer quality, design flexibility, and affordability, making them an excellent choice for budget-conscious homeowners.

Answering a Reader’s Question

A reader recently inquired about the possibility of installing cabinets on top of floating floors. While it may seem like a convenient solution, placing cabinets on floating floors can lead to potential issues with trapped flooring. Floating floors require the freedom to expand and contract, allowing for natural movement with changes in temperature or humidity. Having cabinets resting directly on top of the flooring can hinder this movement, compromising the integrity of the floating floor. As a result, it is not recommended to install cabinets on floating floors.

In addition to the restricted movement, another challenge arises if the flooring needs to be replaced in the future. Cutting out the strips of flooring under the cabinets to accommodate the replacement can be a difficult and time-consuming task. Therefore, it is preferable to avoid cabinets resting on top of floating floors to ensure the long-term durability and functionality of your flooring.

To gain a visual understanding, take a look at the image below:

installing cabinets on floating floors

A Method for Installing Floors First with Cabinets

If you find yourself needing to install flooring before cabinets, don’t worry, there is a method you can follow to minimize potential issues. By using this approach, you can achieve a seamless installation while ensuring proper alignment between your floors and cabinets.

Here’s how the method works:

  1. Start by placing the base cabinets first. This will serve as the foundation for the rest of the installation.
  2. Using a marking tool, draw a line on the subfloor to indicate the front edge of the toekick. This line will act as a guide during the next steps.
  3. To create space for the expansion and contraction of the flooring, screw plywood filler pieces and strips of the same thickness near the wall. These filler pieces will prevent gaps from forming as the flooring naturally expands and contracts.
  4. Once the filler pieces are in place, you can proceed to install the cabinets on top of these strips. The spacing created by the filler pieces will allow for proper alignment and a secure installation.

This method ensures that your floors and cabinets work harmoniously together, even when the floors are installed first. By taking the necessary precautions to accommodate expansion and contraction, you can minimize the risk of future issues.

To get a visual understanding of this method, take a look at the diagram below:

Implementing this method will result in a professionally installed kitchen with beautiful floors and perfectly aligned cabinets. Not only does it provide a clean and seamless look, but it also allows for proper expansion and contraction, ensuring the longevity of your kitchen remodel.


In conclusion, when embarking on a kitchen remodel, it is generally recommended to prioritize installing the floors before the cabinets. This approach offers several key benefits, including greater flexibility for future changes and updates in your kitchen. By having the floors in place first, you can easily modify the layout or footprint of your kitchen without having to replace or cut the flooring to fit new cabinet arrangements. This level of flexibility ensures that your kitchen remains adaptable to your evolving needs and preferences.

Another advantage of installing the floors first is the added protection it offers to your surfaces during the construction process. By having the floors in place, you can safeguard them from scratches, stains, and other potential damage that may occur during cabinet installation. This protects your investment and ensures that your newly remodeled kitchen retains its polished appearance.

Furthermore, installing floors before cabinets allows for better leveling of both the cabinets and countertops. This ensures a seamless and professional installation, creating a visually appealing and functional kitchen. Level surfaces are essential for the proper functioning of cabinets and countertops, preventing any potential issues with doors, drawers, or appliances. By following this recommended sequence, you can achieve a kitchen remodel that not only looks beautiful but also functions flawlessly.

While every kitchen remodel is unique and may have specific considerations that could alter the recommended sequence, installing floors before cabinets remains the prevailing best practice. This approach provides greater flexibility, protection for your surfaces, and ensures level and visually appealing surfaces throughout your kitchen. By following this tried and tested method, you can confidently embark on your kitchen remodel project and create a space that reflects your personal style and meets your functional needs.


Kitchen Remodel: Floors or Cabinets First?

Deciding whether to install floors or cabinets first is a common question in kitchen renovations. Expert Chip Wade suggests considering factors like the type of flooring, longevity, and sub-surfaces before making a decision. Ultimately, he recommends installing floors first in 90% of cases for a cleaner start and greater flexibility in future remodeling.

What is the importance of order in a kitchen remodel?

When remodeling a kitchen, it’s crucial to follow a specific order for a smoother process. Most experts agree that laying the flooring before installing cabinets is the best approach. This ensures that the height of the cabinets and appliances will align properly with the new floors. Following this order—flooring, cabinets, countertops, appliances, sink, hardware, and final touches—ensures a well-executed and efficient remodel.

What factors should I consider when choosing the sequence?

Several factors should influence your decision on whether to install floors or cabinets first. The type of flooring you choose can impact the sequence, especially if you opt for floating floors, which require flexibility and movement. Thicker floors can also affect the installation of appliances. Additionally, potential damage to floors during the construction process should be taken into account.

What are the benefits of installing flooring first?

Installing flooring before cabinets offers several advantages. By running the flooring under the cabinets and appliances, you have more flexibility to change the kitchen footprint in the future. This approach also allows for a more efficient process, as you won’t need to cut flooring to fit around cabinets or deal with potential damage to the floors during cabinet installation.

Are there any exceptions to installing floors before cabinets?

While it is generally recommended to install flooring before cabinets, there is one exception: floating floors. Floating floors, such as laminate, require the ability to expand and contract with changes in humidity. If trapped under cabinets, they may not have the necessary flexibility. In such cases, it may be better to install cabinets first and leave a small gap for the floating floor to move.

How can I protect my floors during a kitchen remodel?

To prevent damage to floors during a kitchen remodel, it’s important to take certain precautions. Working from top to bottom can minimize the risk of overhead work damaging newly installed floors. Saving finishes until the end ensures you won’t have to redo them if something goes wrong. Additionally, covering the floors with a protective material, such as cardboard, until the work is complete can help prevent scratches or stains.

How do I ensure that cabinets and countertops are level?

Whether floors or cabinets are installed first, it’s crucial to ensure that the cabinets are level. The subfloor may not be perfectly level, so adjustments may be necessary using shims. Countertops should also be level, even if the cabinets themselves are not. Using shims can help achieve a flat surface and ensure the integrity of the overall installation.

Who is Chip Wade?

Chip Wade is an expert in the home improvement industry, known for his master craftsmanship and appearances on home improvement television shows. As the owner of Wade Works Creative, he offers services in video production, residential and commercial design, architecture, and building unique creations. His experience and expertise make him a reliable source for advice on kitchen remodeling.

How can I plan my kitchen remodel on a budget?

Kitchen renovations can be costly, but there are ways to keep expenses in check. One cost-cutting option is to shop for ready-to-assemble (RTA) cabinets online. While unassembled, these cabinets are often high-quality and offer various styles, colors, and materials. Trusted online shops like Domain Cabinets provide a wide range of options, including custom cabinets, at affordable prices.

Can I install cabinets on top of floating floors?

A reader asked whether they can install cabinets on top of floating floors. However, this would not be recommended due to potential issues with trapped flooring. Floating floors require the ability to expand and contract, and having cabinets resting on top of them can hinder this movement. Additionally, it would be difficult to cut out the strips under the cabinets if the flooring needs to be replaced in the future.

How can I install flooring first with cabinets?

If it is necessary to install flooring before cabinets, there is a method to minimize potential issues. One approach involves placing base cabinets first and marking a line on the subfloor to indicate the front edge of the toekick. Then, screwing plywood filler pieces and strips of the same thickness near the wall creates space for the flooring to expand and contract without creating gaps. Finally, cabinets can be installed on top of these strips, allowing for proper alignment.

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